Friday, 20 June 2008

My To Do List For This Weekend;

Purchase and read newspapers
Ring gran
Organise study/gym
Collate list of phone numbers to call
Remove DVD’s from study/gym and reinstate in living room
Adventure out somewhere
Sort through bills
Tidy up wardrobe
Investigate for things that look like humans
Nip to the shops
Attend BBQ on Saturday
Try some new recipes

I won't do any of this...well i will attend the BBQ, and buy the papers. That is all.

  • Some notes and thoughts from the day;

    'Omnibus' – where did that word come from?

    'Broodrooster' – another & much cooler word for toaster. It is Dutch; 'bread' + rooster 'grill'[edit]

    1. toaster Retrieved from ""

    I just suffered what i am going to call 'Lickbarrassment'.
    'Lickbarasment' = Embarrassment about eating an ice lolly when other are around.

    My Mission for the weekend (cos lets face it, i probably won't do much on my list.) I shall seek out things that look like humans.

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