Thursday, 12 June 2008

Premier of Anwen Blog

12/6/2008 <---(I wonder silently to myself; Does the date automatically appear on each log...Hmmm, I panic, i think if it does appear automatically then i am gonna look instantly stupid, that will be my first and probably lasting impression.) Anyways, that is an introduction to the silent voice inside my head, it is neurotic. Thankfully i happily and enthsiastically ignore that voice but blogging, appears to have brought it to the forefront of my cellbreum (again, my nemesis jolts into action...) (Inside my head - 'Cell - ooobre -- um...ahhh, MEH! How the hell do i spell that? That ....that....insanely complicated word for 'brain.' Should i just type ....'brain' and have done with it?) Right so, i am really excited about my blooging <---sounds a bit better than 'blogging' why not leave it in there? (Inside head...yes, why not...? You have already displayed stupidity AND the need to impress by using complicated words so why not ammend a typo...')

Have you ever noticed how most typos make most words much cooler? I am going to make a point of NOT correcting my typos if they are to be super cooler than the original word. I do this at work all the time anyway (mostly through laziness.)
Infact maybe typos aren't cool at all? Maybe my job is just so boring and mundane that i am now seeing typos as being entertaiment,what depths have i sunk to in the cool stakes when i am discusing typos as being a measurement of coolness? What the hell is 'coolness anyways.'

(Inside head...What is 'coolness' anyways? Surely the fact that i'm using the word 'coolness' is rendering me extremely 'uncool.' Although if i don't know what 'coolness' is, then i suppose i don't know what 'uncool' is either, and if i am infact 'uncool' then maybe in a parallel universe i am the queen of 'coolness'...rather like Queen of the damned' but with tuna fish as opposed to blood and dinosaurs that can hold serious conversations on a ran of subjects and important issues (global warming, Barrack or Clinton? etc.)

Ahhh i shall write a serious blog tomorrow but for tonight i shall go back to life outside my the nemesis that is my cellbirum....cellebreum...whatever shcmmecver.

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