Written whilst I definitely should have been ‘working’.
All day I have been thinking it is Tuesday (its Wednesday today), not sure why though, but its somewhat wierd because even though I realise its Wednesday I keep forgetting and thinking that its Tuesday, maybe I am actually still asleep and am going to wake up any second giggling insanely to myself. It wouldn't be the first time hee haw hee haw.
I cried before 10 pm today, which doesn’t beat my cry before 9am last Friday (I know, sacrilege to cry on a Friday – there is no excuse.) I should not let work get to me in that way, oh well.
I am trying to list all the things I need to do this coming weekend, although this is proving to be fruitless at the moment, mainly because the weekend seems to be so far away. I know in the back of my mind that I have so much I need to get done.
So the big thing in my office at the moment is LOL CATS, they get myself and my colleagues (plus my sister, mum, dad and various friends) through the day in a spectacular fashion.
Just had a extremely dodgy call from a credit card company, very random and extraordinarily worrying seeing as I have never made any kind of credit card application. I am fairly confidnet that this call was some kind of elaborate and evil scam. This triggered numerous conversations about what the world is coming to. I now have to get a credit report to check that no money is being stolen from my accont - this makes me a sad Anwen, a very sad Anwen indeed.
Discussions going on at work today; If you were on a desert island and could only have one fruit, which fruit would it be?If you were on; stars in their eyes’ would you be?What is your favourite ice lolly?Viking Re-enactments in Norway.Who are favourite people in the company are. Things I learnt today; What is one of the first words? It is Salmon and apparently is pronounced and spelt the same in every language.
Credit card companies can and do cold call, why wouldn't they? They have NO SOULS.
Just recieved a text message form one of my best friends. He witnessed what sounds like a horrific car/motorbike accident, this reminds me of one of my earliest and most profound memories.
I was probably about 7 years old. My Dad, my sister and i were playing in a kids park, which just happened to be (quite inapprpriately) placed smack bang (excuse the pun) in the middle of a very busy junction (city planners must have been on smack) anyways, i remember we were happily playing away, then out of nowhere there was a phenominally loud bang. It sounded horrendous, mostly because of the penetratingly loud sound, which struck out of absolutely nowhere.
Maybe it sounded worse because i was so little? If i witnessed the same thing today maybe it wouldn't seem to scary, but at that time, it was terryfing. I can remember how in a moment life changed, one minute i was blissfully happy and content then the very next i was rendered motionless by this noise.....I think that this feeling that in a minute, everything can change has stuck with me throughout my life. At the back of my mind I am always painfully aware that everything may be wonderfull one minute but within a split second the world can be terrifying.
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