Tuesday 22 July 2008

Summer Officially Sucks: For me.

I know this is probably not going to resonate around the ears of most people, but i feel i have to get this out, here goes; I DON'T LIKE SUMMER. I Love Autumn.
Autumn is like the cooler, more chilled out sibling
Summer is all like 'Ohhh look at me, look at me, seriously, i'm soooo fucking hot, i am totally the shit!'.
Autumn is much more laid back and unassuming 'Ahh Hey there! I'm just here ya know, doing my thang, take me or leave me, i don't really care, i'm just chilling.'

I don't, i haven't for, well a long time but i don't feel in any away ashamed to say this.
I don't like summer for a number of reasons but the main 3 are as follows;

  1. The expectation: The media i.e magazines and TV shows go on and on relentlessely about 'summer syle' 'summer getaways' etc which build up such a huge expectation. Its like, you have you are under a huge amount of pressure to have loads of intricate plans and you should be concerned about getting a 'bikini body'. FUCK THAT! Sorry for swearing, which i don't usually do.

  2. The actual Weather & The naive belief that the sun will come out and most importantly, STAY OUT: Seriously, everyone gets so excited about the prospect of summer and most of this is due to the idea (hope) that the sun will make an appearance. this never really comes through. The weather is extremey inconsistent, you never know what kind of day its going to be weatherwise. Its incredibly annoying to wake up and for the sun to be shimmering through the window but then by 11am for the rain to be hammering it down. But it is oh so predictable.

  3. Small Talk: As humans people feel the need to always fill in any silences. The topic of summer as a conversation seems to offer a multitude of small talk opportunities; such as, 'are you going away this year' & 'the weathe ris so shit....' It is like a gateway topic for small talk, kind of similar to cigarettes but much more soul destroying as you don't get any pleasure from it. Similarily, you have to endure so many tedious and esentially mind numbingly boring jibber jabbrings of people telling you all about their intricate holiday plans. I think listening to someone's holidays stories is the only topic that can outright beat listening to someone's dream for boringness.

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